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Los apologistas del abuso i, 2018

/ The apologists of abuse i, 2018



Los apologistas del abuso i, 2018

Acrílico y bordados sobre tela


Anagrama de una frase dicha por el arzobispo de Lima, el cardenal Juan Luis Cipriani, durante un programa radial:

[...] hay abortos de niñas, pero no es porque hayan abusado de las niñas, son muchas veces porque la mujer se pone como en un escaparate provocando.


Se lee ahora el siguiente anagrama:

Penoso que ven mal pensar en derechos y libertades para cada persona; se opone un machismo roñoso o pudor santucho, que veja con saña y abusa

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The apologists of abuse i, 2018

Acrylic and embroidery on fabric


Anagram of a phrase said by the archbishop of Lima, Cardinal Juan Luis Cipriani, during a radio program:

[...] there are abortions of girls, but not because girls have been abused, it is often because women put themselves in a showcase provoking.

From the Spanish phrase, one can now read an anagram that would translate as:

Painful that they see badly to think of rights and liberties for each person; it is opposed by a dirty machismo or prudish sanctimony, that vexes with viciousness and abuse

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