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La última pregunta, 2010

/ The last question, 2010



La última pregunta, 2010

Libro y corrector líquido



El libro de E.H.Gombrich “La Historia del Arte” ha sido intervenido con corrector líquido, su texto ha sido borrado casi completamente exceptuando ciertas letras. Con las letras que permanecen del texto original se puede leer ahora, íntegramente, el cuento “La última pregunta” del autor de ciencia ficción Isaac Asimov.​

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The last question, 2010

Book and pen corrector



The book by E.H. Gombrich "The Story of Art" has been intervened with pen corrector, its text has been deleted almost completely except certain letters. With the remaining letters of the original text, it can now be read, in its entirety and in its Spanish translation, the short tale "The Last Question" by science fiction author Isaac Asimov.

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