El primer amanecer del mundo, 2013
/ The first dawn of the world, 2013
El primer amanecer del mundo, 2013
Lápiz sobre papel
Dimensiones variables
La obra consiste en dos papeles de 21x29,7cm unidos por un delgado hilo de 14 metros ininterrumpidos, todo recortado de un solo pliego de papel. Con esta pieza iniciaba y terminaba el recorrido de la muestra donde se exhibía.
La obra estaba acompañada del siguiente texto:
«El Profeta Velado disponía de métodos humildes de adivinación. Sus rituales de magia, por más austeros en parafernalia, podrían no ser del todo imprescindibles, sobre todo para quien afirma ser la encarnación del Dios que precede al tiempo, al nombre. Su rostro emanaba luz, toda la luz de todos los universos (su velo protegía al hombre de la ceguera y la locura). Para su presciencia le bastaba buscarse en un espejo, aunque no era su futuro lo que veía sino el tiempo entero de un universo muy similar que acababa de ser creado; cada reflejo era un universo nuevo, una nueva creación, donde lo único que involucraba de sí era su curiosidad y un sentimiento que fluctuaba entre la indiferencia y la maravilla.
De físico y ánimo inmoble, nunca lo vieron enfermo ni herido; nunca lo vieron dormir siquiera, ni se oyó nunca su sonrisa. De voz dulce, habló de un paraíso donde “siempre es de noche y hay piletas de piedra, y la felicidad de ese paraíso es la felicidad peculiar de las despedidas, de la renunciación y de los que saben que duermen”.
Luego de su desaparición, sus seguidores lo buscaron durante siglos. Los más temerarios trataron en vano de encontrarlo en cada espejo. Los más ilusos lo buscan, aún, en los cielos.»
Texto entre "comillas" por J.L.Borges
The first dawn of the world, 2013
Pencil on paper
Variable dimensions
The work consists of two papers of 21x29.7cm joined by a thin thread of uninterrupted 14 meters, all trimmed from a single sheet of paper. With this piece started and ended the course of the exhibition where it was exhibited.
The work was accompanied by the following text:
«The Veiled Prophet had humble methods of divination. His rituals of magic, however austere in paraphernalia, may not have been absolutely necessary, especially for one who claims to be the incarnation of the God who precedes time and name. His face emanated light, all the light of all universes (his veil protected man from blindness and madness). For his prescience it was enough for himself to look in a mirror, although it was not his future what he saw but the whole time of a very similar universe that had just been created; each reflection was a new universe, a new creation, where the only thing that he included of himslef was his curiosity and a feeling that fluctuated between indifference and wonder.
Of unyielding physique and spirit, they never saw him sick or wounded; they never saw him sleeping, nor did they hear his smile. Of a sweet voice, he spoke of a paradise where "it is always night and there are stone pools, and the happiness of that paradise is the peculiar happiness of farewells, renunciation and those who know they sleep."
After his disappearance, his followers sought him for centuries. The most daring tried in vain to find him in every mirror. The most deluded seek him still, in the heavens.»
Text and translation by me. Quote on "comas" by J.L.Borges